The Ultimate Debate

2023-06-15T12:39:29-05:00Home Buying|

Drake Homes builds a wide variety of different home styles throughout the Des Moines area, so we thought it would be interesting to write about the endless debate between the two most common, ranch and two story homes. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and you may be limited by the type of lot you have, but as an experienced home [...]

High Performance Homes

2023-06-15T12:28:44-05:00Home Buying|

High performance homes use the best materials, advanced science, cutting-edge technology and proven building techniques that go beyond other new homes to provide you a lifetime of value. Lower cost of ownership Improved indoor environment Maximize energy efficiency Prime building materials Healthier air quality Less maintenance Increased resale value Along with a variety of benefits you can see throughout a house, high performance [...]

Walkout vs. Daylight vs. Standard Lots

2023-06-14T21:34:29-05:00Home Buying|

The foundation (excuse the pun) of any home's overall layout is determined by the lot on which the home is built upon. Lower level basements may be hard to find in some regions, but they are an important element in almost all of the homes around Iowa. Even if a basement is not finished at the time of the build, an additional lower [...]

ZIP System

2023-06-15T12:34:34-05:00Home Buying|

It's easy to like any new home on the day you move in, but a builder's methods of construction and the building materials used throughout a home can be the difference between a house that looks great and a home that stands the test of time. The new homes built by Drake Homes always look great when they're finished, but it's important to also [...]

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